Lost 80lbs - Gained Her Happiness

“I am the happiest I’ve been in 20+ years. My skin is clear and youthful, and I feel and look younger than I did in my 40’s.”

Meet Terri! She’s been doing keto for 3 and a half years, and is down 80lbs, going from a plus size 20 jean to now a size 7 in juniors.

So what pushed Terri to get started?

“I have always been the kind of person to do for others and have never put myself first. I was unhappy for many years. Dealing with depression, loss of energy, always mad and severe anxiety. I had countless health issues. Daily heartburn, high cholesterol, fatty liver, continuous bloat just to name a few. I couldn’t bend over to tie my shoes or walk around the house without being short of breath.  I knew I was slowly headed for a short life if I didn’t start taking care of myself. 

I had gone to a party out of town with some friends. I drank more than my fair share that evening and decided to try my hand at the mechanical bull. Needless to say I lasted 3 rounds before I was thrown off and got stuck in the mat. I was so heavy I couldn’t get myself out. Friends came over and lended a hand to pull me out.  I had to have my boyfriend put my shoes back on because I couldn’t bend over to do it myself. Two days later one of my friends sent a photo of me up on that bull and I cried. I couldn’t believe how horrible I looked. That photo is what started me on my journey.  I knew at that point I needed to focus on me and start putting myself first.”

This wasn’t her first attempt to change her diet. She had tried a plethora of diets since as young as 12. Nothing ever quite seemed to stick, until she went keto.

“I made an Instagram account and found the Keto Community. Researching for many days, gathering information, making shopping lists, planning meals all made me super excited about keto. I began posting my food and weight loss progress.  And to my surprise, in the first week I had lost 6 pounds.  My bloat was going away and I had energy. I know it sounds crazy that could happen in a week but it did.  I’ve had many stalls along the way, one of which lasted a full year. I wasn’t in a rush to lose the weight. I knew it would happen in time. Slow progress is still progress and all those little numbers add up in the end.

The Keto community has been my rock. I’ve met so many amazing people. The support, motivation and inspiration is incredible and it’s what keeps me going.”

Her results go way beyond just the weight loss. 

“I am the happiest I’ve been in 20+ years. My skin is clear and youthful,  and I feel and look younger than I did in my 40’s. I no longer feel sluggish and I actually have energy. My test results have never been better.”

We’re beyond inspired by amazing people like Terri. She’s made the longterm choices and put in the day in and day out work to change her life. 

“Words of advice: Do your research, whether it be internet, Instagram, books etc. Have patience and stay consistent. We all lose at different rates, so never compare your loss to anyone else’s. Reward yourself here and there and set goals. Just small ones and increase them down the road. 

Keto how you want to, whether it’s clean, dirty or lazy. We all keto differently and there is no right or wrong way.  Find what works for you and stick to that.”

This story is from a recent edition of KETO WEEKLY! Keto Weekly is a weekly newsletter that has the best keto content to keep you inspired and motivated on your keto journey. Subscribe for free!