Healthy Cooking Oils - Nutritional Comparison

Whether you are baking, cooking, or just making a salad, knowing your oils is a must. Understanding their nutritional values helps decide which oil is the best for your dietary needs. There are countless to choose from, but here are a few to consider buying on your next grocery store run.

Healthy Cooking Oils - Nutritional Comparison

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Nutritional Value: 

Serving size: 1tbsp

Calories: 119

Carbs: 0g

Fat: 14g

Protein: 0g

Coconut Oil 

Nutritional Value: 

Serving size: 1tbsp

Calories: 121

Carbs: 0g

Fat: 13g

Protein: 0g

Canola Oil 

Nutritional Value: 

Serving size: 1tbsp

Calories: 124

Carbs: 0g

Fat: 14g

Protein: 0g


Sesame Seed Oil

Nutritional Value: 

Serving size: 1tbsp

Calories: 120

Carbs: 0g

Fat: 14g

Protein: 0g


Avocado Oil

Nutritional Value: 

Serving size: 1tbsp

Calories: 124

Carbs: 0g

Fat: 14g

Protein: 0g

Peanut Oil 

Nutritional Value: 

Serving size: 1tbsp

Calories: 119

Carbs: 0g

Fat: 14g

Protein: 0g