Almond Flour | Everything You Need To Know

Today we’re highlighting the pantry must-have known as Almond Flour. Read on to learn about Almond Flour nutrition, health benefits, and cooking tips!

What is Almond Flour?

Almond Flour is simply almonds that are ground down into a fine consistency, making them a perfect, healthier substitute for wheat flour.

Almond Meal vs. Almond Flour

In general, almond meal is just a coarser ground variation of almonds, whereas almond flour is ground extremely fine. However, almond meal often includes the almond skin which boasts additional nutritional value. Almond flour is often blanched to not include the skin, leaving it with more of a traditional flour color.

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Almond Flour Recipes, Nutrition, Health Benefits and more!

Health Benefits of Almond Flour

  1. Low in carbs and high in healthy fats giving it a low glycemic index.

  2. Rich in vitamin E, which acts as antioxidants in the body.

  3. Rich in Magnesium, which may help lower blood pressure.

  4. Naturally gluten free, making it a great alternative for people needing to avoid gluten.

Almond Flour Nutrition Facts

Serving 1oz

Calories: 164

Fat: 14g

Net Carbs: 2.6g

Protein: 6g

How to Cook or Bake with Almond Flour

  1. Substitute 1:1 for wheat flour in baking recipes for a healthier alternative.

  2. Filter water through almond flour to make fresh almond milk.

  3. Coat meat or fish with a coat of almond flour + seasonings for a yummy and healthier breading.