Vitamin C: The Underrated, Anti-Aging Queen

Vitamin C- Anti-aging benefits, skincare products, food items

We are all aware that consuming Vitamin C is good for our health, but what about the health benefits no one talks about? We drink our orange juice when we have a common cold, or take vitamin C supplements to keep our immune system up to par, but could Vitamin C be the mother natures’ Botox? Alright, so that may be a bit extreme, but this powerhouse has so many benefits - and not just for your immune system, but all things skincare! 

Vitamin C and Collagen

Collagen is the most plentiful protein in your body. It has many important roles in our bodily functions, one of them being the structure it provides to our skin and helping our blood clot. As we age, the natural production of collagen our body makes begins to decline, which is a major contributor to the formation of wrinkles and fine lines due to loss of volume in the skin. While this can be frightening for all who are no longer the ripe age of eighteen - have no fear, Vitamin C is here to save the day. Because it acts as a powerful antioxidant, Vitamin C is essential to the production of collagen in skin cells and helps protect our skin from the breakdown that occurs in cell components such as collagen. 



Vitamin C can be added into your everyday skincare routine as a topical treatment that aids in reducing redness, evening out skin tone, brightening your complexion while hydrating the skin, reducing the appearance of under-eye circles, and even shielding the face from visible impacts of stressors caused by the environment. Vitamin C serums come in all different forms so it’s all about finding what is right for you! Our top five Vitamin C powered topical products are:

  • NourishMax: Vitamin C+B+E& Ferulic Serum

  • Skincueitcals: C&E Ferulic Serum

  • SkinMedica: Vitamin C+E Complex/Age Defense

  •  Clarins: Double Serum- Hydric + Lipidic System

  •  Obagi: Professional-C Serum 

Depending on your skin type and sensitivities, it’s important to pay attention to the percentage of ascorbic acid in the product you choose to use. Ascorbic acid is used to prevent or treat low levels of Vitamin C in those who are lacking the vitamin from their regular diet. We recommend starting at a low dose of 10-15% and work your way up as needed! 


10 Foods High in Vitamin C

If you’re impressed by the benefits of applying Vitamin C to your skin, you’ll be mind blown by the benefits of consuming this powerhouse in your daily diet. While orange juice is most people’s go-to when it comes to the need for Vitamin C, there are foods higher in Vitamin C than an orange! Here’s a list of foods in order from highest to lowest amounts of Vitamin C per serving to pick up at your local grocery store when you need a little C pick-me-up:

  1.             Guavas

  2.             Kiwi fruit

  3.             Bell Peppers

  4.             Strawberries

  5.             Oranges

  6.             Papaya

  7.             Broccoli

  8.             Tomato 

  9.             Snow Peas

  10.             Kale

All vitamins are vitally important (get it?) for our health and wellness, especially as we grow older and wiser. Maintaining a sufficient intake of Vitamin C will always help us in the long run - whether it be to fight off a cold, protect our skin from pesky wrinkles, or keep us glowing as we go about our daily lives. We love all the vitamins from A to E here at TOFM, but when it comes to anti-aging, Vitamin C is our queen. 



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