Top 4 Wellness Challenges For 2023

top wellness challenges for new year. well21 whole30 75 hard dry january

Are you ready for the best wellness challenges of 2023? Buckle up, because we've got four top contenders for you to consider as you kick off the new year with a renewed focus on your health and fitness.


First up, we have the Whole30 challenge. This one's not for the faint of heart, folks. The Whole30 challenge involves cutting out all processed foods, alcohol, grains, legumes, and dairy from your diet for a full 30 days. That's right - no more pizza, no more beer, no more mac and cheese. But don't worry, it's not all deprivation and misery. The Whole30 challenge is designed to help you reset your body and improve your overall health by eliminating potential allergens and toxins from your diet. And hey, if you can make it through 30 days of strict eating, you'll be a veritable superhero of self-control.

Check it out


Secondly, we have Well21. Well21 is a viral wellness challenge collecting a lot of fans quickly. It was designed by Wellious to be the most approachable and fun wellness challenge out there. Just 21 days, and 6 rules including no desserts, no fried foods, movement everyday, half gallon of water, and learning a new skill. Well 21 has charts, and tracking sheets, and lots of community elements to make it easy and fun.

Check it out!

 75 Hard

Next, we have the 75 Hard challenge. This one's a doozy, and definitely not for the faint of heart. The 75 Hard challenge involves working out twice a day, every day, for 75 consecutive days. That's right - no days off, no excuses. You'll also need to stick to a strict diet, drink at least a gallon of water a day, and read 10 pages of personal development material every day. It's a grueling challenge, but the payoff is supposed to be huge. Participants often report improved physical fitness, mental clarity, and a newfound sense of discipline and determination. Just don't say we didn't warn you.

Check it out!

 Dry January

Finally, we have the Dry January challenge. This one might be a little more manageable for some of you, and it's definitely a great way to start the year off on a healthy foot. The Dry January challenge involves abstaining from alcohol for the entire month of January. That means no beer, no wine, no cocktails - nada. It might sound tough, but just think of all the money you'll save on bar tabs and hangover cures. Plus, giving your liver a break can do wonders for your overall health. You might even find that you feel more energized and productive without the constant presence of alcohol in your life.


So which one of these challenges is right for you? Well, that's up to you to decide. But whether you're ready to go all-in with the Whole30, brave the 75 Hard challenge, or simply take a break from alcohol with Dry January, there's a wellness challenge out there that's perfect for you. Best of luck in your health journey, and don't forget to have a little fun along the way. So, these are the best wellness and fitness challenges for you in 2023. If you're feeling brave, why not try all three? Or, if you're looking for a 75 hard alternative, there are plenty of other options out there to choose from. The important thing is to find a health challenge that works for you and helps you to achieve your goals. Happy New Year, and here's to a healthy and fit 2023!

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