So Much More Than Just 60lbs

“Not only has she lost almost 60 pounds in under a year, but she also accredits the improvement of her mental health to keto”

Keto transformation of 60lbs! The best keto success stories on Keto Weekly.

Meet Chaya Cardonick, an amazing person using her own journey to inspire others. She’s lost a lot of weight, but what she’s gained is her happiness.

After years of binging and depression, Chaya Cardonick decided to turn to the keto diet in hopes that it would change her life. Not only has she lost almost 60 pounds in under a year, but she also accredits the improvement of her mental health to keto.

“When I first opened up on Instagram about my mental health issues I was terrified and thought I would be judged. Now you can't get me to stop talking about it (both online and in person!). My goal is to break the stigma around mental health, and I hope that by sharing my keto journey I will inspire others to start being more open about what makes them, THEM!”

Her advice is something we all need to be reminded of: “Live in the moment and love yourself!”

This story is from a recent edition of KETO WEEKLY! Keto Weekly is a weekly newsletter that has the best keto content to keep you inspired and motivated on your keto journey. Subscribe for free!